Coindesk Most Influential

In 2019 CoinDesk approached me to paint the portraits for their very popular ‘Most Influential’ series. The portraits below were the shortlist of twelve exceptional individuals involved in the blockchain industry who were connected with or influenced government and policy making, big business, innovative tech companies, and more.

Each portrait is 73 x 60 cm (29 x 24 inches) and painted in oil and microcrystalline wax on a printed bank note from the country of the subject’s nationality. The print has been produced on high quality, Hahnemühle German etching paper.

Viewers can scan the paintings with the AR app Artivive to engage a short video clip and listen to a few sound bites from each individual. Morphing software was used to create a smooth transformation from portrait into video.
Two NFC tags have been embedded into each painting. One tag is a link to the subject’s twitter feed and the second tag triggers a short video of me speaking about that particular painting, my thoughts on it and some of the processes involved in its creation.