Guardian Angels
In 2022 trevorjonesart is exploring new celestial planes. From the heavenly spheres of the Ascended Angels to the fiery plummet of the Fallen Angels to the inaugural Castle Party in the historic Stirling Castle, we are soaring to ever greater heights on pearlescent wings.
Of course, we are not achieving all this alone. We are honoured to be accompanied by a loyal group of friends and fans who believe in Trevor’s vision and are always eager for the next drop. Trevor’s art has created an incredibly strong and loyal community, and the success of trevorjonesart would be impossible without them.
We are therefore pleased to announce our loyalty programme for the most dedicated supporters. Angelology has traditionally held that there is a host of especially devoted angels, and after it we have named this scheme The Guardian Angels.

The Guardian Angels loyalty programme is open to all holders of Trevor’s bronze, silver, or gold NFTs, including the Ascended Angels, the Bitcoin Bull special editions, and the Man Vs Machine special editions. Each member receives a beautiful metal membership card in a specially-designed display wallet, each card stamped with a unique code. Please do not share your unique code # with anyone. If your card is lost, notify us, and the card can be replaced for a small charge of $10.
All Guardian Angels members can use their unique codes to access some exclusive benefits, including:
- Discounts on a range of Trevor’s prints and merchandise:
- Bronze NFT holder 5.77% discount
- Silver NFT holder 7.77% discount
- Gold NFT holder 10.77% discount
- Priority access for all limited-edition merchandise.
- Priority access to a very limited edition of 21 Bitcoin Angel bronze sculptures, which are linked to their own NFTs. These are another ‘First’ in the crypto/NFT art space and are spectacular pieces that will undoubtedly become highly sought after collector’s items. More information about the bronze sculptures coming soon. Sign up to my newsletter or join my Discord to keep up to date.
Additional benefits for Guardian Angel holders:
- Priority access to tickets for all annual Castle Parties from 2023 onwards. Gold Ascended Angel holders are given priority to secure their place, then Silver followed by Bronze. Afterwards, the Castle Party tickets will be opened up for Bitcoin Angel open edition holders.
- At Castle Parties, each Gold Ascended Angel holder can invite up to 3 guests, and Silver and Bronze Ascended Angel holders can invite 1 guest each.
We welcome all the founding members of this new club and look forward to a long and epic journey with you. This is just the beginning!

Has the original plan of letting every nft participate in a lottery when btc reaches a determined value around 70k been dropped completely, or is this an added utility?
What benefit is left by holding 1 of these Angels?
Hi Mette, thanks for your questions about the Ascended Angels. There will still be a lottery when BTC reaches $77,777. The mint number of each Bitcoin Angel that ascends has been recorded, so when Bitcoin hits $77,777 we will draw the winner based on the original 4,158 Angels.
If you hold just one Bitcoin Angel there are still benefits. In the last month we have given away seven prints and one Bitcoin Angel on Discord, all available to one-Angel holders, and there will be another of these giveaways at the end of this month. Angels will always be your key to the annual Castle Party, along with access to Angel-holder-only raffles and drops.
The Angel Ascension benefits all holders – for one-Angel holders it makes your piece rarer by up to 23%. Be sure to sign up for notifications on Trevor’s Discord and Newsletter for the latest information.