THE BACKSTORY Bitcoin truly hit mainstream consciousness in 2017 as it skyrocketed in value hitting an all-time high of almost $20,000 by…

The Famous – Augmented Reality Portraits
I was truly honoured to have a number of exceptionally well-known people sit for me to paint their portrait and agree to…

Would I Lie to You: the Art of Politics and Propaganda
Propaganda is being delivered so effectively by governments worldwide that their goal for the attainment of even more wealth and position seems assured…

This exhibition connected paint with AR, video, morphing, social media, an EEG brainwave scanner and more to create an interactive space that…

Moving on from my 2013 AR animation paintings I decided to experiment with video the following year and chose the Edinburgh Botanic…

I discovered AR early 2013 and I was soon researching ways to fuse this exciting technology with my art. became my first adventure/project…

A noise which epitomises youth in the 1990s is the sound which pre-broadband era internet made when dialling up to connect to…

Protest in 140 Characters or Less (2012)
The painting that has just redirected you to this website is an art project constantly in motion. Though the work of art…

She sensed no danger; there was no one to tell her not to. There was no one there. Four arches with four…

“The proper artistic response to digital technology is to embrace it as a new window on everything that’s eternally human, and to…

An exploration into new technology Scannable, very cool and so 2012. I began exploring QR codes in 2011 initially to use them…

A selection of my paintings inspired by ‘The Poem of Ecstasy’, the music of Alexander Scriabin. Although the Poem of Ecstasy is…

Below is a selection of paintings from my 2010 exhibition inspired by songs by contemporary Scottish artists Each painting focussed on a…