These tales reveal a world where every creation shapes the future, and every story uncovers new depths of the Court’s layered history.
The Titanium Angel is one of the Clockwork Court’s crowning achievements, an elegantly designed Clok with a sleek, metallic frame that combines beauty and precision. Crafted from titanium, she is both resilient and graceful, her form designed to embody Enlightenment itself.

Sialia's daring flight through the Clockwork Court’s Inner Workings sparks a deadly encounter with Talos, the Sentinel-Bull.

And another day ends. Whistles fall silent; furnaces burn low; wheels cease to turn. A full Moon transforms brass and copper structures to cold silver.

Hear me, o unbelievers for the hour of my death approaches and the Revelation of the Convergence has been shewn me.

From Chaos came Alpha, the spark of creation, birthing Time, the Cosmos, and the eternal struggle of Bull and Bear.

When the western hills claim the day’s last crimson ray, begins our time of adoration. Look at the wonder of the nighted sky. All those tiny points of light are suns.

Sialia’s day had started as usual: errands for mistress, quick inspection of Engineer, mock Shiba, Inner Workings acrobatics, dodge flying shrapnel, and a drop of mineral oil with the Gaffer. That had been when things got strange.

Long ago in the dark time of Entropy before The Engineer laid The Foundation of the Clockwork Court there were two great beasts: Talos, a bull, and Artos, a bear.

Where we perceive a chain of events, the Angel of History sees one single catastrophe.
The main stories of the Clockwork Court are best read in the following order:
1. The Titanium Angel
2. A Cautionary Tale
3. Talos – Accident Report
4. Mission to the Heavens
5. Artos – Transmutation
The stories about the eternal conflict of the Bull and the Bear should be considered a trilogy that may be read in any order, before or after the Clockwork Court stories. These are:
Alpha – Of Chaos and Creators
Omega – Of Shadows and Infinity
Texts separate from the main story can be read at any time. These are:
The Early Bird Gets the Bitcoin
The Judgement of History