In surveillance we trust.
 EXPOS3D is an immersive gallery exhibition of physical, digital & interactive art where AI surveillance, God & rebellion battle for our future.



Before Time and Cosmos there was formless Chaos – dimensionless, lightless, meaningless. And then there was something. The something was nothing of substance. One might call it a point of inspiration, a spark of imagination, a creative impulse. It has been called all these things and has been given many names. But in this account, it will be called ‘Alpha’. And with the being of Alpha, Time began.

How long the developing awareness of Alpha gestated in the dark cannot be said. Time was a novel idea, not yet confined to rigidity by the passage of stars or the mechanics of clocks, and a fraction of a second was indistinguishable from an eon. In whichever measurement of time, we might choose to ascribe, Alpha grew, evolving its existence into sentient awareness, repelling the darkness with light, condensing shapeless void into matter and form. As Alpha matured it expanded and kept expanding, through space and through dimensions beyond those that we comprehend. As it grew it filled the voids with ever-turning spheres that burned with elemental fires. And it made worlds of earth, water, and winds, on which walked beings that had something of the nature of their creator. So, with the growth of Alpha the Cosmos was formed.

As for what came next, opinion differs. Most philosophies agree that Alpha took form and walked on the worlds it had created, some say on two legs, some say on four, and some say it depended on who was looking. There is also those who say that it created for itself a mate, who later became a foe.

And this is what we believe: that Alpha came to our world in the form of a great Bull, who was called Talos, and its rival took the aspect of a terrible Bear, who was called Artos. And the two are destined to fight across our world and across all the worlds of the Cosmos and in all their forms for eternity.

Extract from the Codex Taurus, scripture of the Cult of Talos


The creation of Alpha – Of Chaos and Creators began with the conceptualisation of the primordial spark, Alpha, embodying the genesis of time, light, and form. The narrative of creation inspired the physical artwork, a 140 x 140 cm (55 x 55 inches) oil-on-canvas painting. The painting captures Alpha’s transformative energy, swirling with chaos, light, and the beginnings of life, foreshadowing Talos and Artos.

This visual is translated into the digital realm, where Alpha's essence is digitally modelled and animated. Textures and 3D rigging bring its creative force to life, building the foundation for a powerful chapter of this epic story.