Hear me, o unbelievers for the hour of my death approaches and the Revelation of the Convergence has been shewn me.
For I have beheld a black ocean and above it a black sky. And from the ocean came a great tumult. And from the sky blazed a golden light.
And the sky was full of great wheels and small wheels and smaller still within, all turning in perfect unity. And the wheels were like unto some angel’s device and I watched as they spun to make a mighty bull with horns of brass and eyes of fire.
And from the ocean came the head and body of a beast. And the beast was made of many parts like unto the bull above. But the beast was a mighty she-bear and her hide was of bronze and her eyes were embers.
And each beast became ware of the other and each was wroth. And the bull turned his horns to the she-bear and bellowed. And the she-bear raised her paws at the bull and roared. And Heaven and the Worlds shook and all the peoples and beasts of all the Worlds cowered for the time of Convergence was upon them.
Tremble, heretics, for the world that has been and the world yet to come.
From the Revelation of Saint Astraea in the hour of her martyrdom
Convergence emerges from a fusion of imagination and digital storytelling, depicting the first encounter between Talos and Artos. Evoking the creation of the universe, it draws on spiritual and religious themes, including the divine act of creation, primal forces, and the balance of yin and yang. Market dynamics and the infinite are woven into its symbolism. Combining intricate digital design and cinematic artistry, this animation conveys a moment charged with anticipation. The meeting of these beasts symbolizes balance between creation and transformation, marking the start of an epic narrative.