In surveillance we trust.
 EXPOS3D is an immersive gallery exhibition of physical, digital & interactive art where AI surveillance, God & rebellion battle for our future.



When the western hills claim the day’s last crimson ray, begins our time of adoration. Look at the wonder of the nighted sky. All those tiny points of light are suns. How small they are, consumed by the mighty void of Heaven. But be still, focus on the encompassing darkness, and the stars will reveal their purpose. They are pictures, messages sent from the void. Only we folk of the shadow order truly understand them. They tell us of the great forces that shape the Worlds. There is The Eagle; there the River; there the Dragon. And the mightiest of all is our mother, The Great Bear.

She was birthed from the void at the end of time. She moves backwards through history, undoing the outrage of Creation, healing that which scars the perfection of Heaven, restoring all matter back to that divine state of eternal nothing. Her foe is The Bull; you can see him there in the sky too, pointing his horns at our Mother. But his is a tale of sound and fury signifying nothing, and his bellowing violence is no match for the stoic strength of Mother. She guards and protects against the cruel, hot horns of light and form. She turns the wildfire to cooling embers. She is the last that shall be first.

That she will triumph against the forces of the Worlds is never in doubt, for she has already done so in her own reckoning of time. Eventually all the stars will go out. And finally, Artos will return to the void at the end and the beginning, and all will sleep in timeless Omega.

Teaching by Mother Ursula of the Order of Artos


Omega embodies the Great Bear as the cosmic force of dissolution and eternal stillness. Conceptualised as a pull toward shadow and infinity, unravelling creation’s energy, this vision inspired an oil painting of the bear in a barren void, with Sialia poised to awaken her.

Digitally reimagined through intricate 3D modelling, Omega’s frame of interlocking gears and steel fuses with mechanical precision. As she prowls the celestial expanse, she restores stillness, symbolising the eternal cycle of creation and dissolution that defines the cosmos.