

​24 FEB 2021


An artist’s retrospective allows the art viewer as well as the artist themselves to appraise the various strata of an artist’s creative output in a single space.  In this single display an artist’s sense of colour and palette, their growth development and evolution of technique and their choice of themes, motifs and direction are presented in an almost geological manner giving the viewer a sense of history and journey.

The artist may find themselves viewing pieces that they’ve not seen in some time, work that’s been held in storage perhaps and a retrospective presents an opportunity to evaluate their career and re-contextualise their work.

2008 Degree Show at ECA

Graduating from Edinburgh College of Art in 2008 with an MA Fine Art, I had my first commercial gallery solo show in 2010. The paintings in ‘From Palette to Canvas’ span these last 10+ years of my professional career.

This exhibition and the Nifty Gateway drop sprung out of the notion to auction my palette that I’d used last year to create some of my most iconic NFT artworks. This then grew legs, and arms, and then more legs and arms and before I knew it a one work drop transformed into a 10 year retrospective exhibition hung in a physical gallery, 15 NFTs, giveaways including a commission, a VR event in Somnium Space and more! I never seem to be able to do things by halves. 

I’ve really enjoyed putting this show together and selecting the paintings that represent where I’ve come from, where I am now and perhaps even a glimpse of the work I’ll be creating in the future.

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